david and marta's bloggy blog

david and marta's bloggy blog

Monday, November 16, 2020

aretha update

not so long ago, the vet told us that aretha was dying and that we should just make her comfortable. i don't know when that is going to happen, but in my estimation it won't be any time soon. i've never seen a more dramatic recovery. she's perky, energetic, healthy looking, and doesn't even stink anymore. she's skinnier than she should be, but she's eating again. it won't last forever and maybe this miraculous recovery is only a result of the daily steroids i've been giving her but WHATEVER i'll take it. 

she even helps with the dishes!


1 comment:

a4anna said...

So good news :-)
I think our cat loves having a human at home at service ...

Great October update as well!