i decided a week ago that i was going to shave my beard off and go with a more sporty and youthful look. the timing of the shaving event was selected based on a trip to tahoe that was planned for this weekend. i thought that the beard would provide useful protection from the high alpine elements, and that i would shave it upon our return to temperate santa cruz. due to
my bicycle accident last week the trip had to be canceled. there is just no way my wrist is up to gripping a ski pole in its weakened state. despite the cancellation of the trip, i held onto the timing of the beard shave.
based on a
comment from j_bone_tx on a recent posting of ours i decided to enact a new tradition when performing major beard removals (see photo below).

i think george washington and abraham lincoln would be pleased with my new plan (today is president's day for those of you who didn't know). interestingly, my last major hair removal was also on a patriotic holiday,
the fourth of july. no better way to celebrate america than with a zip lock bag of beard whiskers.
I dont know what to say, that is simultaneously awesome and disgusting.
You are a true patriot.
how many gallons is that bag?
it is a sandwich bag. not too big of a beard this time.
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