by the first week of march, the ice started to break and shift and crack and chunk and float and move, and we really enjoyed watching it from our windows and back yard. every day the ice was less, different, and weird in all kinds of ways. just before it was all off in mid-march, david and i canoed through some melted channels in the ice, and i'd be lying if i said i didn't feel just like lewis and clark out there.
*side note: the ice makes for a very good drink holder table top
but our real reason for the visit to picnic point was to see the giant piles of ice chunks that the wind blew ashore. it was like walking on the moon. if, ya know, the moon was made of ice. very very super duper cool experience.
and then just in a blink, the ice was gone and the liquid was back, clear, cold, and shallow. perfect for a paddle with my girl.
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