david and marta's bloggy blog

david and marta's bloggy blog

Thursday, February 11, 2021

all the snow

i think i've mentioned this before, but it is really unbelievable and lucky how good the weather has been since the pandemic started. since march, when all the events were cancelled and all the indoor hangs were outlawed, the weather has been absolutely glorious, supporting the sort of hangouts that have been shown to be utterly safe and necessary: outdoor play!

the summer was warm but not too hot, with some rain but not too much, and very few bloom of toxic lake yuck. the fall was long and pretty and warm and sunny and crisp, and then when winter finally arrived in mid december, it brought PERFECT skating ice for a few weeks, followed by ideal packing snow, all under sunny skis and temperature of 20-30 degrees. i'm not lying. it's been insanely good. only now that the temperatures have dropped into the negatives and it's finally turned uncomfortable out there, do i realize just how wonderful it has been. 

but mostly, its the snow i love. as a skier, a sledder, a fort builder, a shoveler, a brand new snow blower owner, and a mother, snow is really the best. 

some scenes of our pandemic winter:

snow fort fires!

sledding! (the selfie taken by james features all of us on one sled, and no, we did not make it all the way down the hill on the same sled...but it was fun to try). (dear santa, we need a toboggan).

the basement ski room is in full effect.

and david has taken to riding the winter bike (winter bike=metal studded tires) to the local golf course to get in some skiing laps. it's kinda adorable.

lake skating has been unbelievably good, but keeping it clear is a whole part-time job.

oooooh look at my snowfort.


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