despite the COVID situation disrupting basically all of life's normal plans and adventures, david and i have been unusually and overwhelmingly busy. every evening, we hit the to-do list, which feels endless. so much of the little things that need to be addressed are just temporary fixes until a more significant demolition and remodel can happen, and so much of the big things that need to be addressed are planned for the future renovation. the thing with this house is that it is just so much bigger than we are used to, and comes with SO much yard, driveway, garage, and all this lakefront with a boat ramp/rail system and old beat up dock and cement slab and trees and gardens..... it's just a lot of work, and needs to approached in a systematic step by step process. i am not good at slowing down and taking things one at a time. i want it all done. now.
so, you know, i'm growing and learning and becoming more flexible. i hope.
here's some things we've done (and this is by no means an extensive or inclusive list, but instead represents the few things i've remembered to photograph...)
most important part of the house: the lakefront.
we rented a giant dangerous saw and processed to wear through 3 diamond blades while chopping up all the steel rail lying about the backyard. it was a huge job, but transformed the lakefront from a junkyard of tangled steel and weeds to yard!
we took some of that steel tonage and loaded it up in the canoe, donned some wetsuits on a cold and windy choppy day, and walked it out about 30 feet from the end of the dock and dropped it into the lake with a buoy attached, and then we had a buoy! seemed like a thing we'd want, right?
inside the house, the basement has been painted a fresh coat of white and homeschool has been arranged in a cozy and well supplied environment,
a basketball hoop is up (that thing was a heavy beast, and 3 adult helpers were not too many)
and now it's david's office!
but the appliances continue to cause headaches. this old oven runs SO hot, and i don't think the temperature adustment dial even approximates the actual temperature. things got so hot the other day my pizza stone broke. (i admit that it is possible it already had a crack from moving, but still...).
until then, we are drawing out our dreams....
and our designer is turning them into real looking computer models...
Wow! And yes, been there and done that but we have a small place ... in midst of kitchen reno I came home yelling about a stable as I had then met a horse :-) That horse was a great friend for 13 years and most of those from home.
As I'm thinking our livingroom is taking time, I don't really envy you apart from THE VIEW your house will have in spades with blue print result. Right now be happy for dipping toes from property line! :-)
Awesome post. Will be great for memory some day, too.
After visiting this weekend, I am sure that this place will be a treasure when it’s done. The computer drawings are wonderfully to see after hearing your plans.
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