let me show you what i mean:
we make sure the hobart dishwasher is running

we put the kids to bed and hang out at the fire pit (no pics--too dark)
and in the morning we have bagel breakfast

and fold the flag that some kid found and was wearing as a cape

then hike down to the waterfall and train tracks and smoosh pennies and find roadkill while dipping our toes in the mississippi (and no doubt bothering the fishermen)

this year james caught a leech, which was more meaningful after a misguided family viewing of stand by me.
back at the group camp kitchen, lunch was served up by the fastest hikers
and dishes were done with a smile.
after lunch, we CREAMED the kids in a game of adults vs. kids capture the flag (and now all the adults are sore and broken from all-out sprinting at these kids).
then we caught our breath,
and the dinner crew got to work on meatballs and spaghetti and salad (and wore their 'hood shirts)

dinner is always followed by the kids' talent show,

and ramona and zadie opened the show with a special a cappella rendition of old towne road (the song that WILL NOT DIE).
here are all the talent show superstars, just before the crowd-participation dance party

we wrangled those kids into bed...eventually... and hung out again without them.
in the morning, we cleaned, we lined the kids up for the traditional photo,

and then we went for a hike to a cave.
and had a sneaky rainy sky view of the mississippi from up on the bluffs.
its a magical place, full of magical people.
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