we received these candles as a house warming gift from jack and roxanne. we've decided to make la santisima muerte the patron saint of our new house. la santísima muerte (most holy death), a.k.a. santa muerte (saint death), a.k.a. doña sebastiana (lady sebastienne), can be petitioned for love, luck, and protection. those seem like three things a home could use.
Well as far as home protection, they are no gnome.. thats for sure they are only meant to supplement a gnome's protection not supplant it.
According to the article, offerings commonly include: roses, marijuana, cigarettes, fruit, candy and tequila...
When we come to visit, I promise I will bring at least one of those as an offering.
I believe she is also the preferred virgin saint for narcos....
thats the saint for protection for the killers and drug dealers in mexico. scary stuff.
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