david and marta's bloggy blog

david and marta's bloggy blog

Saturday, April 11, 2009

happy easter....

...from the easter cats.


JB said...

Oh God, Do not let them eat lilies!! They are very poisonous!!! We had to take Priscilla to the hospital for a couple days because she munched on some lilies... They will die a few days later of kidney failure if they even eat a small amount of lilies.

Roxanne said...

It was my last day working at the Cat Clinic and Jack bought me lilies to celebrate. A bunch were chewed when we got back from dinner. Murphy's law. I had to take her to an emergency hospital instead of being able to treat her myself since I no longer had a clinic. DAMN!

marta said...

This post makes us look like pretty irresponsible parents, huh? There was no ingestion of lilies, but we are monitoring them very closely. Thank you so-o-o-o-o much for the warnings. You guys are the best.

JB said...

They should have a warning on Lilies at the store, I had no idea until Roxanne told me (after Prissy ate like 3 leaves). Also, if you ever need to make your cat throw up for any reason (party trick) pour table salt in their mouth, this works very effectively. Hydrogen Peroxide, not so much.

Megan said...

Most people eat ham for Easter, but I guess a little Aretha is okay too. Also, what's the deal with the Ireland book behind the deadly lilies? I'm going next March. I need input if you've been before.