david and marta's bloggy blog

david and marta's bloggy blog

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

segway tours

is this really the best way to take a guided tour of washington, d.c.? these folks thought so. i think they look a little dorky.


smoothdave said...


Anonymous said...

yes, very dorky in deed- as a dc dweller we pretty much mock all tourists though...

Bonita said...

hilarious. I can't help but think of that guy in weeds on showtime who always rode around on the segway....

Molly said...

reminds me of a funny new yorker cover (clearly, segways are everywhere): http://www.cartoonbank.com/product_details.asp?mscssid=7U1B08078V779MH8KSCP8P10P0RC3EB4&sitetype=1&did=5&sid=51235&pid=&keyword=bin+laden&section=all&title=undefined&whichpage=13&sortBy=popular