before we get to the post about christmas merriment in grand haven, i wanted to draw attention to something. yesterday, we had a ton of rain and warm temperatures which pretty much killed any snow we had built up over a december of record snowfall (except in piles). temperatures dropped last night, and we got another couple inches of snow to pad december's stats and to restore the wintry appearance outside. to cut to the chase, we looked outside our bedroom this morning and some rabbit (or rabbits) had spent the morning darting all over our backyard and leaving tracks everywhere, considerably more tracks than normal. here is a video of the evidence.
5 years ago
not that i expect anyone to care, but the number of rabbit tracks has more than doubled today. also, upon further inspection, we discovered that there are as many in the front yard as in the backyard.
Those actually look more like space alien tracks to me. Have you actually seen any rabbits? Do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night seemingly for no reason? Are you missing chunks of time in your memory over the past few days?
Here's a photo of confirmed alien tracks. It looks a lot like your picture to me:
alien tracks were my first guess as well. i only posted it as "rabbit tracks" so as not to bias people. i'd say you initial reaction and those photos from canada are lock-solid proof. we've got aliens.
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