thanksgiving with the scotts is full of the traditional trappings of thanksgiving. we had turkey. we argued sometimes. there was pumpkin pie.
there were group dog walking adventures. (people were shooting deer in the neighborhood that day, so we wore some orange to stay safe).
the less traditional parts of our thanksgiving included a personality test. my dad took a personality test at work and enjoyed it, so he brought it home for everyone to take. here are david's and my results.
david is an adaptable man of action.
i am a supportive, reasonable individual.
who knows what it means? i think this pie chart is supposed to help.
here's the whole clan, different personalities intact.
and, just for the sake of comparison, here is the clan in 1989.
5 years ago
We took that personality test on the intro day of Vet School - not sure what I was supposed to learn from it. Are you guys conflicted now?
Friday night I treated a dog with a gun shot wound through the front and out the back- missed the chest cavity completely, lucky guy!
Also, dumb question, Marta which one is you in the photo - the 1989 one, not the new one, ha!
I need to amend my comment, realizing that it sounds like the bullet made quite a travel through that dog. It went in the front of his right shoulder/chest and out behind his right shoulder blade.
Thank you for your time.
i'm glad our dog didn't get shot. that would have really depressed the holiday spirit.
i'm the one in the purple jacket. oddly, in all the pictures in that post, my sisters and i are arranged in the same order.
It seems to me that a bar graph would have been a better visual for the data. The lines give the appearance of a 'drop' in management skills, when the next column may be relatively lower, but you still have a high score. Just a thought. Also, I think you Christmas tree looks beautifuL AND you and David have GREAT personalities!
excellent insight julia, a bar graph might have provided a better visual of the data. as i recall from your graph, and my personal experience, you have a wonderful personality as well.
that is the most beautiful pumpkin pie crust I have ever were the little leaves made?
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