this has taken a while to get up on the blog because it took me a while to track down the photos from the various photographers, but here goes.
this is a photo i took of mbd and marta at the terrace several weeks ago.
here is a photo reed took of the lcd screen of my camera after i took the above photo.
then, i took a photo of reed's camera.
here is reed taking a picture of theran's phone, taking a picture of my camera, with the above picture on it.
here is a picture that mbd took, of me, jubilantly displaying my camera and reed's camera, both with the above picture displayed (although i may have missed a step somewhere).
finally, here is a picture i took, of mbd, displaying the above picture on his camera.
so there it is.
5 years ago
i'm afraid.
Fantastic. I'm glad you finally pulled it all together.
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