david and marta's bloggy blog

david and marta's bloggy blog

Sunday, December 30, 2007


marta demonstrates the making of swedish krumkaka (a rolled cookie) to the music of sweden's own peter, bjorn, and john:

krumkaka made backwards (pb&j are still forwards):


Anonymous said...

I'd sure like to know how many grams of carbohydrates in each of those kakas. I'm a diabetic & just couldn't quit eating them till
5 were down my gullet. Now I need to figure how much insulin to give myself. HELP

marta said...

I suppose it depends on your current blood sugar and what your regular insulin therapy consists of. Can't help you with the carbohydrate count, although I'd guess it's very high. Good luck!

Nana Staple said...

If Marta makes krumkaka for us next year, I'll make Dutch banket. Keep those traditions in the family.