david and marta's bloggy blog

david and marta's bloggy blog

Thursday, November 1, 2007

what are we observing this month? november edition

celebrate empty nester month
international microfinance month
learn chinese month
national impotency month
national inspirational role models month
national marrow awareness month (vegetable or bone filling?)
national pomegranate month
national roasting month
vegan month

as always, this is an incomplete list, and you should feel free to comment with any that are important to you. i'm just glad we made it out of what could have been a pretty dangerous month for our good friend dave hamm (see comments).


smoothdave said...

Yes, I survived October without so much as a single groin shot attempted on my person. Luckily for me federal law prohibits the observance of any monthly observance more than once in a 12 month period, so I am safe until next October.

Jim said...

I wonder how one celebrates national impotency month.

Roxanne said...

I've got 2 new ones for you. I just saw these on the calendar at work. Apparently it is:
National Adopt a Senior Pet Month &
Pet Diabetes Month

Anonymous said...

Well, like David asked me to post, November 11 is the start of national Nurse Practitioner week, a week that Marta will very much appreciate I'm sure....and David will have to make the week extra special.