david and marta's bloggy blog

david and marta's bloggy blog

Monday, November 12, 2007

can i un-make you a sandwich?

i'll try...


j_bone_tx said...

I was hungry at first, now I am un-hungry
kudos... nice film

dames said...


dwstaple said...

whoa. looks like someone had a similar idea, a larger appetite, and a better vision. watch a meatball sandwich get un-made. in our defense, we didn't put much time into our video. check it out at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO_CVjHBUw4

Anonymous said...

You have entirely too much free time on your hands! Nice video though!

Rachel and Russell said...

looks like a pretty tasty sandwich david

smoothdave said...

Nice work, but you need to work on your time. Andrew can make a summer sausage sandwich and deliver it to the basement in half the time.